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Introduction & Reading Material4 Topics -
Strength Training Warm Up
WEEK 1Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Yoga Flow
Day 3 - Strength
Day 4 - Yoga Flow
Day 5 - Strength
Day 6 - Yoga Flow
Day 7 - Active Rest Day
WEEK 2Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Yoga Flow
Day 3 - Strength
Day 4 - Yoga Flow
Day 5 - Strength
Day 6 - Yoga Flow
Day 7 - Active Rest Day
WEEK 3Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Yoga Flow
Day 3 - Strength
Day 4 - Yoga Flow
Day 5 - Strength
Day 6 - Yoga Flow
Day 7 - Active Rest Day
WEEK 4Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Yoga Flow
Day 3 - Strength
Day 4 - Yoga Flow
Day 5 - Strength
Day 6 - Yoga Flow
Day 7 - Active Rest Day
WEEK 5Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Yoga Flow
Day 3 - Strength
Day 4 - Yoga Flow
Day 5 - Strength
Day 6 - Yoga Flow
Day 7 - Active Rest Day
WEEK 6Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Yoga Flow
Day 3 - Strength
Day 4 - Yoga Flow
Day 5 - Strength
Day 6 - Yoga Flow
Day 7 - Active Rest Day
WEEK 7Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Yoga Flow
Day 3 - Strength
Day 4 - Yoga Flow
Day 5 - Strength
Day 6 - Yoga Flow
Day 7 - Active Rest Day
WEEK 8Day 1 - Strength
Day 2 - Yoga Flow
Day 3 - Strength
Day 4 - Yoga Flow
Day 5 - Strength
Day 6 - Yoga Flow
Day 7 - Active Rest Day
Equipment Required

Yoga Mat

Resistance Bands
Workout Breakdown
Start Your Workout
Follow Along
- Prefer to go at your own pace? Keep scrolling to use our GIF workout breakdown.
Warm Up
Warm Up
- 3 Exercises / 2 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.

Exercise 4/5
8 Reverse Lunges w/ Rotation
- Keep back hip tucked under
- Push through heel of front foot to come up
- 8 reps per side

Exercise 2/5
8 Standing Alternating Knee Hugs
- Keep standing leg/glutes engaged to discourage wobbling
- Pull knee to chest
- 8 reps per side

Exercise 3/5
15 Shinboxes
- Heels stay planted as you transition from side to side
- 15 reps per side
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 1
- 3 Exercises / 4 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/3
8 Alternating Lateral Lunge
- Drive hips back as you lower into the lunge
- Find the heel and the lateral (outside) portion of your foot as you push to come up
- Perform 8 reps per side
Exercise 2/3
8 Modified Forearm Plank w/ Alternating Hip Extension
- Hips stay tucked under throughout
- Brace your core and push away from the floor with your forearms
- Perform 8 reps per leg

Exercise 3/3
8 Modified Forearm Plank Press Ups
- Keep hips tucked under and core engaged
- Perform 8 reps
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 2
- 3 Exercises / 4 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.
Exercise 1/3
8 Lateral Lunge Shifts
- Drive hips back as you reach each lunge position
- Find the lateral (outside) portion of your foot as you push to the other side
- Perform 8 reps per side
Exercise 2/3
12 Knees Elevated Cat-Cow
- Push away from floor with palms
- Start small if needed, but aim to increase range of motion with each rep
- You may opt to squeeze yoga block between the knees for this movement
Exercise 3/3
Forearm Side Plank (0:30)
- Push away from floor with forearm and keep hips tucked under
- You may place the foot of the top leg in front for greater stability (as shown in GIF)
- Hold for 30 seconds
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.
Circuit 3
- 3 Exercises / 4 Laps
- Perform all exercises back to back before taking a 30-second rest.

Exercise 1/3
8 Dynamic Reverse Table Top
- Come to full hip extension at the top of movement
- Aim to reach full range of motion with each rep
Exercise 2/3
Wall Banana ISO Hold (1:00)
- Push palms into a wall for this movement
- The lower the legs are, the harder this movement will be
- Keep arms by ears
- Hold for 1 minute
Exercise 3/3
12 Band Bent Over Rows
- Keep core engaged as you hinge and drive hips back
- Focus on the mind-muscle connection as you row, feeling your back muscles engage
30-Second Rest
- Begin the timer to start your 30-second rest period.
- Restart timer if more rest is needed.