8 Week Lifestyle Guide (Massy 2.0)
Additional Resources
Foam Rolling -
Week OneDay 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Recovery
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Core
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 7 - Recovery
Week TwoDay 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Recovery
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Core
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 7 - Recovery
Week ThreeDay 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Recovery
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Core
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 7 - Recovery
Week FourDay 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Recovery
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Core
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 7 - Recovery
Week FiveDay 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Recovery
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Core
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 7 - Recovery
Week SixDay 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Recovery
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Core
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 7 - Recovery
Week SevenDay 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Recovery
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Core
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 7 - Recovery
Week EightDay 1 - Lower Body
Day 2 - Recovery
Day 3 - Back and Biceps
Day 4 - Core
Day 5 - Lower Body
Day 6 - Shoulders and Triceps
Day 7 - Recovery
Day 3 – Back and Biceps
Warm Up
Repeat 2 times – 30 seconds for each move
Towel Flossing
Arm Circles
Wrist Rotations
Squat into Rotation
Day 3 Demonstration Video
Perform each superset 3 times before moving on to the next superset.
Reps are given per set order.
For example, Bent Over Row – 12, 12, 12 Reps means that each set is 12 reps.
*NOTE: Video will say “Day 52,” but it is the correct workout.*
Circuit 1
Bent Over Row – 12, 12, 12 Reps
Inch Worms – 12, 12, 12 Reps
Circuit 2
Bench Dips – 12, 12, 12 Reps
Renegade Row – 12, 12, 12 Reps
Circuit 3
One Arm Row – 12, 12, 12 Reps
Tricep Push Ups – 12, 12, 12 Reps
Circuit 4
Bent Over Row into Tricep Kick Back – 12, 12, 12 Reps
Inch Worms – 12, 12, 12 Reps
There are many different elliptical trainers. This is based on the Precor elliptical which goes up to resistance level 20. Arc trainer can go up to 40+ resistance level.

Post Workout Recovery
Foam roll and stretch