
First Name


Last Name




Date of Birth

May 20, 1992


Cortland NY





I started using the MA  programs in April 2020 when I was 12 weeks pregnant with my second child. I wanted to control my weight gain as I had gained 80 pounds during my first pregnancy. I had worked hard to do daily workouts and what I thought was healthy meal prepping. I did some modifications to the workouts to continue a safe pregnancy and followed the meal plans and happily only gained 26 pounds in my second pregnancy. After my sons birth, I continued to follow the meal plans and the weight seemed to just fall off- Down 20 pounds in just the first month postpartum. Once I got clearance from my doctor for exercise, I started the MA programs back up and was careful to take things easy as my body was still recovering. I am now 13 months postpartum and down to my original pre-pregnancy weight. Massy’s programs have completely changed my lifestyle and taught me so much about what my body needs for food. I feel strong and my goals are to continue to get stronger. Now it is just a race against myself. Progress not perfection!

Practices & Goals


Yoga, Weight Lifting, Cardio, HIIT


Lose Body Fat, Build Muscle, Increase Overall Health, Improve Energy Levels, Improve Mental Health


Train Like Me: Phase 2 is LIVE!

For those of you doing the Train Like Me: Phase 1 Challenge, get ready for Phase 2! This program is now live on TRU Training and is available through our All Access Membership (or get permanent access to the program by purchasing it separately)!

We will start Phase 2 on Monday, 2/19

For those who have not yet tried the Train Like Me program, we invite you to start with Phase 1 on Monday via our All Access Membership!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at:

Más Vida is Moving!

We are excited to announce that Más Vida has partnered with TRU Supplements to bring you TRU Training!

Through TRU Training, we are bringing you even more fresh programming and education to help you continue becoming the best version of yourself!

To all of our members and subscribers, you may now login to your account on the new website to view your content. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at: