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Home Forums Pre/Post-Natal Working out while pregnant Reply To: Working out while pregnant

  • KaLinda

    October 15, 2021 at 4:49 pm

    I worked out throughout my pregnancy, even up to the day before I went into labor. My body hurt a lot during those final weeks and movement seemed to ease it. I remember being able to still lift heavy during that first trimester, but the body truly tells you when it’s time to slow down and go lighter. The core changes so much! I don’t know if it’s connected, but I read somewhere that working out during pregnancy (only to the level you were already doing pre pregnancy) is really healthy for baby, and our boy has had amazing weight gain. He is 25.8 pounds and just hit a year this past Sunday. Very thankful to have been able to keep moving throughout.


Train Like Me: Phase 2 is LIVE!

For those of you doing the Train Like Me: Phase 1 Challenge, get ready for Phase 2! This program is now live on TRU Training and is available through our All Access Membership (or get permanent access to the program by purchasing it separately)!

We will start Phase 2 on Monday, 2/19

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Más Vida is Moving!

We are excited to announce that Más Vida has partnered with TRU Supplements to bring you TRU Training!

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