
First Name


Last Name





Plymouth Meeting





After the birth of my daughter in 2017, I’ve been consistently gaining weight every year.  After looking at past photos, I realized, I was close to my pre-pregnancy weight ~4months postpartum.  I refused to buy new clothes for fear this action would be accepting my current physical state so I’ve just been wearing sweatpants and yoga pants on a daily basis.  In 2021, I made the decision to change what I see in the mirror and seriously began my exercise journey.  I started with youtube videos for how to workout at home with bands and on-hand equipment but at some point, I triggered an old injury and stopped working out for 3 months.  I sought out the aid of a trainer after realizing I needed mobility training.  I did this for a few months until school started for my daughter and I could no longer find time in my schedule, in the evening, to workout at a gym.  Then came MasVida…and not a second too late.  I like the pre-recorded videos, the meal plan, and the progressive exercises.  I’ve been consistent with the workouts since joining but I’m still working on the meal plan.  Prepping isn’t the issue, eating all the required amount of food has been a constant challenge but I’m continuing to work on it.  I am “listening to my body” and only eating until satiation.  Since joining, I’ve lost 12lbs and a few inches.  My goal is to lose 30lbs and get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight and physique.

I like the compilation of workouts in MasVida, many movements are new to me but I’m not a novice to exercise so I’m not ‘scurred’.  I’ve searched for years for a trainer or training system that incorporated strength and mobility and now I truly believe I’ve found her and it.  I really like Massy and her programs and I plan to ride this thing out until.  Very curious how lean I can get with this program.

Practices & Goals


Yoga, Weight Lifting, HIIT


Lose Body Fat, Build Muscle, Increase Overall Health, Improve Energy Levels, Improve Mental Health


Train Like Me: Phase 2 is LIVE!

For those of you doing the Train Like Me: Phase 1 Challenge, get ready for Phase 2! This program is now live on TRU Training and is available through our All Access Membership (or get permanent access to the program by purchasing it separately)!

We will start Phase 2 on Monday, 2/19

For those who have not yet tried the Train Like Me program, we invite you to start with Phase 1 on Monday via our All Access Membership!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at:

Más Vida is Moving!

We are excited to announce that Más Vida has partnered with TRU Supplements to bring you TRU Training!

Through TRU Training, we are bringing you even more fresh programming and education to help you continue becoming the best version of yourself!

To all of our members and subscribers, you may now login to your account on the new website to view your content. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at: