
First Name






Hiiii. I’m Jordin.

You may know me from a public perspective– Since you can google all that, get to know me like this:

I’ve always enjoyed being active. I participated in sports when I was young and have an athletic family. I never really ‘worked out’ I always just kept moving. It wasn’t until I was 21, I got very sick and the lightbulb went off. I thought, “I should be in the prime of my life right now. Not having to stop every few feet just to breathe.” So, I decided then and there that I was going to take control of my health.

I started with baby steps. I couldn’t do more than that at the time and I needed to meet my body where it was at. Walking turned into jogging and that turned into exploring other means of movement. I love to hike and be out in nature, dancing, dance fitness (specifically Sensazão), yoga, hot yoga sculpt, HIIT training, weights, machines, softball, kickball, trampoline, swimming and the best one, playing with my son.

I had followed Massy for years before I built up the courage to message her. When I finally did, she didn’t hesitate to reach out her hand and take me on this beautiful journey. I’m happy to say that I’ve officially been a Warrior for almost 2 years!

I had struggled with severe back pain since my son was born. Soaking in the knowledge she gives, and studying her movements, has given me better strength in my core and overall body. I haven’t had a back episode since fall 2021! And what a relief…I thought I was destined to struggle with that pain for the rest of my days. I’m so grateful I don’t have to!

Anyway, enough blabbing. I’m excited to be a part of this community and to join these challenges with you! We can do this and we deserve it! LET’S GO!



Practices & Goals


Yoga, Weight Lifting, Cardio, Team Sports, Meditation, HIIT, Dancing


Lose Body Fat, Build Muscle, Increase Overall Health, Improve Mental Health


Train Like Me: Phase 2 is LIVE!

For those of you doing the Train Like Me: Phase 1 Challenge, get ready for Phase 2! This program is now live on TRU Training and is available through our All Access Membership (or get permanent access to the program by purchasing it separately)!

We will start Phase 2 on Monday, 2/19

For those who have not yet tried the Train Like Me program, we invite you to start with Phase 1 on Monday via our All Access Membership!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at:

Más Vida is Moving!

We are excited to announce that Más Vida has partnered with TRU Supplements to bring you TRU Training!

Through TRU Training, we are bringing you even more fresh programming and education to help you continue becoming the best version of yourself!

To all of our members and subscribers, you may now login to your account on the new website to view your content. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at: