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Free 2 Week Mobility Program
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Session 3 of 9
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Day 3 – Hamstring Focused
Equipment Required

Yoga Mat

Yoga Block (Optional)
Exercise 1/16
Stand, Eyes Closed (1:00)
- Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth
Exercise 2/16
10 Reach to Sky - Inhale, Forward Fold - Exhale
- Roll forward towards the ball of foot and lift the tailbone to the sky
- If you can't reach all the way to the floor, you may use your yoga blocks to place your hands on in the forward fold
Exercise 3/16
10 Horse Squat - Inhale Down, Exhale Up
- Send the tailbone straight down, pressing the knees out over the toes
Exercise 4/16
Horse Squat ISO Hold (0:20)
- Keep upper body lifted as you hold
Exercise 5/16
Wide-Stanced Forward Fold (0:30)
- Lift the tailbone to the sky and lengthen the back of the knees
Exercise 6/16
10 Alternating Lateral Lunge
- Drive hips back with each lunge, keeping upper body lifted
- Find the heel each time you push out of the lunge
- 10 reps per leg
Exercise 7/16
Wide-Stanced Forward Fold (0:30)
- Lift the tailbone to the sky and lengthen the back of the knees
Exercise 8/16
Seated Straddle (0:30)
- Keep inner thighs rotated out and spine long
Exercise 9/16
Seated Straddle - Rotate Over Right Leg (0:30)
- Keep inner thighs rotated out and spine long
Exercise 10/16
Seated Straddle - Rotate Over Left Leg (0:30)
- Keep inner thighs rotated out and spine long
Exercise 11/16
Seated Straddle (0:30)
- Keep inner thighs rotated out and spine long
Exercise 12/16
Janu Sirsasana (1:00)
- Use the hands to pull top of the head towards the foot, keeping the spine long
- If you're unable to reach your foot, try wrapping a towel around your foot and pulling yourself towards the foot
Exercise 13/16
Prone Quad Stretch (1:00)
- Ease into this stretch!
- Hold for 1 minute each
Exercise 14/16
Supine Single Leg Knee to Belly (1:00 Each)
- Keep the leg on the floor straight and breathe, relaxing the hip flexor as you pull the knee into the belly
Exercise 15/16
Happy Baby Pose (1minute)
- Rock side to side gently. This one should feel great for the lower back!
Exercise 16/16
Shavasana (3:00)
- Sometimes being still can be the hardest part of the entire flow. Recognize any racing thoughts and itching to go, go, go. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that it's okay to pause and just be. Take this time to let go of any unrealistic control efforts.