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Free 2 Week Mobility Program
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Session 6 of 9
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Day 2 – Total Body Flow
Equipment Required

Yoga Mat

Yoga Block (Optional)

Resistance Band or Towel
Exercise 1/16
Stand, Eyes Closed (1:00)
- Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth
Exercise 2/16
10 Infant Squats
- Keep shoulders down and core engaged
Exercise 3/16
Dynamic Malasana (0:20)
- Send the tailbone straight down, pressing the knees out over the toes
- Rock side to side for 20 seconds
Exercise 4/16
Supine Overhead Reach (0:20)
- Keep shoulders down and lower back pressed into the floor
- Arms are actively reaching the entire time
- Perform movement for 20 seconds
Exercise 5/16
10 Supine Alternating Overhead Reach
- As with last movement, arms are actively reaching the entire time
- Perform 10 reps per arm
Exercise 6/16
Supine Bi-Lateral Straight Leg Hold - Feet to Ceiling (0:20)
- You may use a towel or band to feel the stretch
- Lengthen the back of knees and actively reach heels to the ceiling, pulling toes back towards the shins
- The goal is to feel a nice stretch along the back of the legs. Hips stay on the floor.
- Hold for 20 seconds
Exercise 7/16
Supine Single Leg Hamstring Stretch (0:30)
- Hands just above the back of your knee
- Actively reach heel up towards the ceiling, lengthening the back of your knee
- Ease into this stretch! Be gentle and gradually increase the stretch as the muscles release
- Hold for 30 seconds per side
Exercise 8/16
Vajrasana, Eyes Closed -Thunderbolt Pose
- Keep entire spine lengthened but not stiff. Lengthening the cervical spine will keep the shoulders down.
- 5 slow breaths
Exercise 9/16
Vajrasana, Eyes Closed, Toes Tucked
- 5 slow breaths
Exercise 10/16
Prone Single Leg Quad Stretch (0:30)
- Hold for 30 seconds each
- If you're unable to grab your foot, you may use your towel or resistance band
Exercise 11/16
8 Supine Leg Sweeps
- Aim to keep the leg as straight as you can
- Perform 8 reps per side
Exercise 12/16
Supine Leg Sweep ISO Hold (0:45)
- You can flex the foot or point the toes
- Hold for 45 seconds per side
Exercise 13/16
Table Top Pose with Hands Reversed (1:00)
- Push away from the floor with the palms
- Hold for 1 minute
Exercise 14/16
All Four Wrist and Finger Flexor Inhibition (0:30)
- Hold for 30 seconds
Exercise 15/16
Respiratory Cat Cow (2:00)
- Exhale Cat, Inhale Cow
- Perform for 2 minutes, deepening the stretch with each rep!
Exercise 16/16
Shavasana (3:00)
- Sometimes being still can be the hardest part of the entire flow. Recognize any racing thoughts and itching to go, go, go. Take deep breaths and remind yourself that it's okay to pause and just be. Take this time to let go of any unrealistic control efforts.