Hey , welcome to THE

Summer Shape-Up
Challenge 2024!


Get ready for your body transformation this summer! These expert-designed, effective at-home workouts will burn fat, build muscle, and increase endurance using only your bodyweight and resistance bands. Plus, build the habits that thousands of TRU Training members have used to get the results they desire and KEEP them!

Access Your Bonuses

Don't Forget to Take Your Progress Photos!

Celebrating progress along the way is a big part of what we do here in the MA Warrior Community.

Transitioning to a healthy lifestyle takes determination, and even the subtle changes along the way are worth celebrating. When you look at yourself in the mirror every day, many times you miss the small changes that are happening (that will add up to big results!).

Progress photos help to encourage you along the way!

I would like for you to take a starting progress photo and save it to submit with your after photo at the end of the challenge using the link below. When you submit your photos, please submit each angle as a side by side collage, like the examples on the left. Feel free to also post your progress along the way in the community groups!

Challenge Prizes

By participating in the 2024 Summer Shape-Up Challenge, you get a chance to win great prizes! 

1st Place:
towards their dream vacation at the destination of their choice, or they can take the money and run.

2nd Place:
Second place winner receives $500 cash.

 3rd Place:
TRU Supplements product bundle along with $100 cash.
Rules for Entry:
Submit progress photos on your day 1 here
You must be holding a piece of paper in your hand that states “Summer Shape Up 2.0” with the date. Please hold the sign to the side of your body and submit full body images. Please do not tape the sign to the wall.

To enter the challenge, you must also post in the News Feed within the week of starting the program stating “Today was my day 1 of the Summer Challenge! My name is [name]. I’m from [city, state or country, if non-US]. I am doing the [insert level]. My goals for this challenge are [insert goals].”

*NOTE: We may award additional prizes at our discretion for extraordinary participation and results! Be sure to tag us using #trutraining #mawarior #phase1challenge

Challenge Overview

Find all of your nutrition guides and links to all the workouts in one place!

Meal Plans

Please select your plan level based on the following parameters. The first question is regarding your intended goal from the challenge (weight loss or muscle gain), and concludes with your current weight range to pinpoint the best plan level for you. Please note that each plan is the starting point and can be modified along the way of your journey.

Goal: Weight Loss
Current Body Weight:
100-140lbs: Plan A
141-180lbs: Plan B
181lbs+: Plan C

Goal: Muscle Gain
Current Body Weight:
100-140lbs: Plan B
141-180lbs: Plan C
181lbs+: Plan C

Maximize fat loss with our Summer Shape Up Bundle! This bundle includes TRU Protein and TRU BCAAs to support muscle growth and recovery, TRU Metabolism to naturally support fat loss, and TRU HER Complete to balance hormones and work synergistically with the rest of this bundle to increase energy levels!

Note: The TRU BCAA in this bundle is the 30 serving size.

Meet Your TRU Athletes


Head Coach

Massy Arias

Massy Arias is the energetic, passionate Certified Personal
Trainer, formerly known as Mankofit, who is changing lives and inspiring a new generation of trainers. Born in the Dominican Republic, Massy has been an American resident since the age of 14 and currently resides and
trains out of Los Angeles, California. She sets the example for how adopting a healthy diet and active, holistic lifestyle can change individual lives mentally, physically, and spiritually. She has committed herself to a healthy life with which she herself has emerged from depths of depression and physical limitations and now aspires to share this path with others, offering hope and guidance to those looking
to transform their lifestyles. Her experiences have afforded her compassion and perspective to truly connect with women in a genuine
way and motivate them to create their own lifestyle changes through her tried and true programming.

Her perspective on achieving the healthy balance between the mind and body surpasses achieving desirable aesthetics.
She wishes to introduce people to the idea that working out and eating healthy are not only necessary to lose a few pounds
but can improve physical limitations, transform lives through every aspect, and overall create longevity and confidence.

tiffany (1)

Guest Athlete

Tiffany Underwood

Meet Tiffany Nicole, the fearless leader behind a dynamic community dedicated to empowering women through strength training. With a passion for helping women of all ages and fitness levels unlock their full potential, Tiffany has created a safe and supportive space where women can build strength, confidence, and resilience. This is Tiffany’s first challenge with the TRU Training Community and is bound to be a game-changer! She is excited to join you on this journey to burn fat, build muscle, and increase endurance like never before! Say goodbye to boring workouts and hello to a summer of transformation and empowerment with Tiffany by your side.


Guest Athlete

Rhonda Carter

As a 44 year old mother of 3 children, Rhonda Carter knows what it’s like to fight for “you” time…to feel like you can’t get back to yourself, and she’s here to tell you, you can! 
Rhonda started her journey at 39 years old and today, at 44 years old, she is helping women everyday just like you find their way back to themselves! This is Rhonda’s first challenge with the TRU Training Community, and she’s here to cheer, support, and push you to get through it! Together we’ve got this! 

Frequently Asked Questions

We will start as a community on July 22, but if you join later, the challenge starts on the day you join!

Yes! The TRU Training All Access subscription includes access to all challenges. For this challenge, all you need to do to enter is introduce yourself on the News Feed for your Day 1 + take your beginning progress photos (front, side, and back angles preferably!).

If you already own MA45 or Elevate 1 and would like to compete, you will only need to purchase the challenge entry/new meal plans, which can be found here.

The challenge will last for 6 weeks. For those doing Elevate 1, this means you will have two bonus weeks left, which you may complete after the challenge if you wish, but all progress photos must be turned in between July 4th – July 11th.

This is an at-home challenge that can be completed with only bodyweight and resistance bands!

Focus on building habits during this challenge and create realistic expectations. You aren’t going to dramatically change in one week, but by using the method that I have taught for 10+ years, you will build habits that bring change bit by bit. Doing it this way will allow you to keep your results long-term because your habits direct your life!

So, focus on these areas: consistency in movement, meals, hydration, and sleep. That’s it! Show up for yourself every day and you are going to be absolutely amazed at what happens. As a side note, do yourself a favor and push yourself in every workout! This is how you will maximize your results. 

Depending on your starting point, adaptations can take anywhere from 6-8 weeks. This is a program that you can repeat and still see results. You may begin to see adaptations in your strength and aesthetics quicker than that, but results will vary with each individual. Remember, every person has a different movement history, health history, and metabolism, so try not to compare your results to others. Focus on performance in this program, and the body will follow. 

Yes, but in this community we focus on body recomposition. What I mean is that we are focusing on optimizing your body to its full potential. If you have excess fat to lose, that is included in the equation, but the way it works is that we focus on building muscle, increasing performance, and cleaning up the nutrition. By building muscle, you will naturally burn more calories at rest each day. By increasing performance, you will burn more calories in each workout and also build more muscle. By cleaning up your nutrition, you will reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and heal your metabolism. In this way, the fat will naturally shred off and your body will begin to optimize. 

Absolutely! Your meal plan includes a healthy swap guide that you can use to add variety or to switch out something that’s not your preference.

One common question asked is if you can mix up the meal plans, such as eat a breakfast from one and a lunch from another. In short, if you are wanting to stick to the suggested amount of calories in each meal plan, follow the weekly menu as is (with the exception of swapping out an ingredient for which you’ve already compared the macros). Each menu is designed looking at the overall calories/macros for the day. If you are wanting to swap out an entire meal, this will just take some homework on your end to compare the macros of both meals and ensure they are similar.

No. It’s important to remember that on active rest days, your body is still doing the hard work of building muscle and needs the appropriate fuel! You don’t have to worry about storing excess calories. If you are putting in the work on your movement days, your body will use the food you eat on your rest days for this muscle building and recovery.

If you miss a workout, pick right back up where you left off. Don’t skip ahead in your program because the workouts are progressive. 

Though not necessary, this is up to you and it depends on your fitness level. Guage how you’re feeling at the end of the first workout and don’t push yourself to the point of complete exhaustion or you could risk injury.

No, you do not need supplements. However, they can enhance your results, provided you are following the whole foods meal plan. My company, Tru Supplements, is dedicated to bringing you some of the highest-quality supplements out there that pair well with the MA lifestyle. 

Progress photos are an amazing way to track your progress! Though not necessary (unless you are competing for prizes), they can encourage you on your journey. When you look at yourself in the mirror every day, you may not notice changes right away. Sometimes we are our own worst critics. However, by comparing progress photos, you can see the change more clearly! I also encourage taking progress videos. Take videos of those movements that you are struggling with during the first weeks and then take videos of those same movements later in the program or if you do another round, and let the progress motivate you to keep pushing forward!

The grand prize winner is based on two things: progress photos and group participation. Put the work in and challenge yourself in every workout, then jump on the platform and share your progress, connect with other warriors, and help others along their journeys, too! This is the sign of a leader. We are all in this together, so let’s push and motivate each other to make a true lifestyle change and see that transformation that each person desires!

Have a Question?


Train Like Me: Phase 2 is LIVE!

For those of you doing the Train Like Me: Phase 1 Challenge, get ready for Phase 2! This program is now live on TRU Training and is available through our All Access Membership (or get permanent access to the program by purchasing it separately)!

We will start Phase 2 on Monday, 2/19

For those who have not yet tried the Train Like Me program, we invite you to start with Phase 1 on Monday via our All Access Membership!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at:  support@tru.training

Más Vida is Moving!

We are excited to announce that Más Vida has partnered with TRU Supplements to bring you TRU Training!

Through TRU Training, we are bringing you even more fresh programming and education to help you continue becoming the best version of yourself!

To all of our members and subscribers, you may now login to your account on the new website to view your content. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at:  support@tru.training