Session 28 of 29
In Progress

Day 6 – Yoga

Equipment Required

Yoga Mat

Circuit 1

  1. Start Seated – Eyes closed 1 minute set intention

Circuit 2

  1. Come to Table Top
  2. Cat (inhale) Cow (exhale) – 12 Breaths
  3. Clockwise Circles – 10
  4. Anti-Clockwise Circles – 10
  5. Toe Sit w/ Finger Flexion / Extension – 15
  6. Come to Plank on Tops of Feet
  7. UpDog (inhale) Plank (exhale) – 12 Breaths
  8. Clockwise Circles
  9. Anti-Clockwise Circles
  10. Toe Sit w/ Finger Flexion / Extension
  11. Forward Fold (exhale)
  12. Lenthen Spine (inhale)
  13. Forward Fold (exhale)
  14. Chair Pose (inhale)
  15. Heel Raises in Chair Pose
  16. Hold Heel Raise and Stand Tall (inhale)
  17. Toe Squat (exhale)
  18. Toe Sit
  19. Forward Fold (exhale)
  20. Backs of Palms to Floor and Step on Palm in Forward Fold
  21. Come Out of Pose
  22. Chair Pose (inhale)
  23. Stand on Right Leg, Lift Knee High, Reach Arms Above Head (inhale)
  24. Warrior 3 on Right Leg
  25. Take Left Toes to Floor, Then Left Knee, Arms Above Head (inhale)
  26. Take Left Toes to Floor, Then Left Knee, Arms Above Head (inhale)
  27. Hand to Ears, Rotate Truck to Right
  28. Hands to Prayer, Take Left Elbow, to Outside Knee
  29. Lift Left Knee Off Floor, Step Left Foot to Meet Right, Take Side Crow (optional)
  30. Come to Mountain Pose
  31. Open Eyes and Sit into Chair Pose (inhale)
  32. Warrior 3 on Left Leg

Circuit 3

  1. Lift Right Leg (inhale)
  2. Reach Right Leg Through (exhale)
  3. Reach Left Arm Long (inhale)
  4. Step Left Leg Over the Right Leg and Right Hand to Floor, Left Arm Long
  5. Hold Warrior 3 – 3 Breaths
  6. Take Right Knee to Left Calf, Right Foot and Right Hand to Floor, Left Arm Long
  7. Step Back to Plank w/ Right Leg Through
  8. Lift Right Leg Off Floor and Back to Three Legged Dog (exhale)
  9. Take Right Foot Back to Floor and Back into Down Dog – Hold 2 Breaths
  10. Lift Left Leg Through (exhale)
  11. Reach Right Arm Long (inhale)
  12. Step Right Leg Over Left, Left Foot and Left Hand to Floor, Right Arm Long
  13. Step Back to Plank w/ Left Leg Through
  14. Lift Leg Off Floor and Back to Three Legged Dog (exhale)
  15. Take Left Foot Back to Floor and Back Into Down Dog – Hold 2 Breaths

Circuit 4

  1. Knees to Floor and Into Child’s Pose
  2. Raise Up to Finger Tips and Crawl Hands Over to the Right – Hold 5 Breaths
  3. Crawl Hands Over to the Left – Hold 5 Breaths
  4. Crawl Hands to Middle and Turn Them to the Ceiling – Hold 5 Breaths
  5. Shavasana – 2 Minutes


Train Like Me: Phase 2 is LIVE!

For those of you doing the Train Like Me: Phase 1 Challenge, get ready for Phase 2! This program is now live on TRU Training and is available through our All Access Membership (or get permanent access to the program by purchasing it separately)!

We will start Phase 2 on Monday, 2/19

For those who have not yet tried the Train Like Me program, we invite you to start with Phase 1 on Monday via our All Access Membership!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at:

Más Vida is Moving!

We are excited to announce that Más Vida has partnered with TRU Supplements to bring you TRU Training!

Through TRU Training, we are bringing you even more fresh programming and education to help you continue becoming the best version of yourself!

To all of our members and subscribers, you may now login to your account on the new website to view your content. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team at: