Week One
Day 1 - Full Body Strength -
Day 2 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 3 - Core
Day 4 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 5 - Full Body Strength
Day 6 - Cardio (Optional)
Week TwoDay 1 - Full Body Strength
Day 2 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 3 - Core
Day 4 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 5 - Full Body Strength
Day 6 - Cardio (Optional)
Week ThreeDay 1 - Full Body Strength
Day 2 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 3 - Core
Day 4 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 5 - Full Body Strength
Day 6 - Cardio (Optional)
Week FourDay 1 - Full Body Strength
Day 2 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 3 - Core
Day 4 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 5 - Full Body Strength
Day 6 - Cardio (Optional)
Round Two - Week OneDay 1 - Full Body Strength
Day 2 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 3 - Core
Day 4 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 5 - Full Body Strength
Day 6 - Cardio (Optional)
Round Two - Week TwoDay 1 - Full Body Strength
Day 2 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 3 - Core
Day 4 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 5 - Full Body Strength
Day 6 - Cardio (Optional)
Round Two - Week ThreeDay 1 - Full Body Strength
Day 2 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 3 - Core
Day 4 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 5 - Full Body Strength
Day 6 - Cardio (Optional)
Round Two - Week FourDay 1 - Full Body Strength
Day 2 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 3 - Core
Day 4 - Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
Day 5 - Full Body Strength
Day 6 - Cardio (Optional)
Day 4 – Cardio / Mobility + Optional Booty Workout
If performing optional booty workout on this day, perform that workout first, then follow with cardio and mobility.
Complete HIIT workouts on days you aren’t doing any of the program’s leg workouts. HIIT consist of short high intensity intervals that are alternated with slower recovery intervals. It is more advanced than steady state cardio, but its fat loss benefits are much greater than steady state cardio.
Cardio, in combination with resistance training and your clean diet will help you create the greatest deficit of calories. It is best to do these workouts immediately following your resistance
training workout, to optimize fat burn. If you lack the time, you can always divide your cardio session as we discussed on the FAQ section of your program.
Never do your assigned cardio workout BEFORE your resistance training workout, as you will need those muscles fully energized to be able to lift heavy. Keep hydrated at all times and always follow with stretching.
Follow cardio guidelines below. Pyramid Sprint Intervals will be done on days you do not train legs. Use a treadmill or go outside. For leg days, follow moderate intensity guidelines at the bottom.

Warm Up
Stretching / Mobility
Foam Rolling
Booty Workout (Optional)
Perform 8-10 reps per exercise / 3 rounds of each circuit
Circuit 1
Standing Lateral Leg Lift
Standing Leg Kickback
Banded Squats
Rest 1 Minute
Circuit 2
Reverse Moon Step Backs
Side Shuffle
Squat Twist
Rest 1 Minute
Circuit 3
Donkey Kick
Lateral Banded Bear Crawl
Jumping Jack
Rest 1 Minute