How to Stay Consistent with Your Workouts + Maintain Motivation

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Let’s face it, sometimes it’s difficult to commit to a workout plan, let alone stick with it. Life has a way of throwing obstacles at us, but we must overcome them to start feeling and seeing results in our physical and mental health. Stay consistent and you’ll be surprised at how your muscle memory takes over.

If you want to sign up for a challenge or try out one of my programs, check out TRU Training, where I offer programming for everyone from beginner to advanced levels. All of my workouts are designed to help you get sustainable results by focusing on total body mobility and strength training. 

Here’s how I recommend staying true to yourself and conquering those workouts day after day, week after week.

  1. Come up with a game plan before the week starts
    • Find solutions to obstacles ahead of time so that you can communicate with yourself and your loved ones about your plan and how much it means to you.
    • There will be obstacles that arise. For example, maybe your family has a tradition of eating a certain meal once a month that doesn’t fit in with your TRU Nutrition Plan. Instead of caving in and eating outside of your plan, come up with a solution to overcoming this obstacle before it arises so that you don’t fall into old habits and forfeit all of your hard work.
  1. Make a calendar schedule for workouts
    • Find what routine works best for YOU and your schedule. Everyone’s day looks different. If morning workouts won’t be sustainable for you, choose a time in the evening when it feels good for your body.
    • Coming up with a weekly or monthly schedule is a great tool for solidifying a routine that can become second-nature to you as you implement it over time. 
    • When Monday morning comes around, sometimes it feels better to stay in bed and sneak in a little more sleep before the week starts. However, if you take time to schedule your workouts ahead of time and visually represent where your active days are, this will help you to follow through.
    • Realistically, weeks can fly by! If you skip a day or don’t follow through on your word, it’s difficult to come back and “catch up” on workouts.
    • Start your week on a great note by mentally preparing the week before with a calendar and schedule.
  1. Find a realistic routine that you can emulate weekly
    • When you start a routine or get in the habit of an activity, it will eventually become muscle-memory. Getting up early to workout and make yourself a protein shake, smoothie or meal prep might seem difficult at first, but they say it can take as little as 18 days to form a habit. 
    • If you stick with making healthy choices, it will become second-nature to you. Getting in a workout will feel like a reward that you look forward to instead of another task to cross off your to-do list.
  1. Activate your mind with positive messages
    • Mental health is just as important as physical health. I know life can get busy when you’re keeping up with your own needs and the needs of your family, job and home, but taking time for your mental health is vital.
    • Prioritizing your mental health is not selfish. In fact, we can’t pour out to others if our own cup is empty. 
    • You can clear your mind by meditating, simply sitting in silence in a calm place and focusing on your breathing. Thoughts will arise, but try to let them pass without judgment and go back to focusing on your breath. You can find guided meditations on YouTube that will help you learn to quiet your mind.
    • You can also show some love to your mental health by listening to uplifting podcasts, motivational TED Talks or lectures on YouTube, or by going on a walk, journaling out your emotions, or talking through your day with a trusted friend. 
    • Finding motivation is way easier when your mind is a clear slate, which is usually the case in the morning.
  1. Build mental grit
    • Repeatedly choosing the harder choice instead of choosing comfort will build mental grit over time. This is what is necessary to create a lasting change in your life.
    • When we choose to make a positive step toward change in our lives, taking those steps might feel huge at first. As you accomplish your goals and keep going when it gets hard, you’ll start to develop trust in yourself. 
    • When you trust yourself, and you stay true to your word, the results will be extremely satisfying. Soon you will not even be upset with yourself if you slip up or miss a workout every once in a while, because you love and trust yourself so much that you know you’ll get right back on track.

I hope these pieces of advice inspire you to keep going! Whatever you’re working toward, you got this! 

If you haven’t already, join my community of warriors and let me transform your life with effective programming, meal plans and supplements that will get you the results you’re looking for, whether that’s losing weight, getting toned with lean muscle or simply turning over a new healthy leaf in your life, I’ve got you!

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