Hey Tribe, I’ve uploaded a series of 5 Core Strengthening videos on my YouTube Channel that are meant to guide you in gaining stability and functionality in your entire body by strengthening your core.
If you’re a beginner and you’re
- lacking mobility
- back is hurting
- lacking the muscular endurance and the core strength to be able to be functional in and out of the gym
Then this routine is for you!
Believe it or not, the core starts at the beginning of your neck and is composed of all the muscles that are holding your spine together, to the end of your pelvis, including your glutes.
The muscles that make up the core are what give you stability for balance and control, allowing your body to do movements in an efficient way.
These workouts will only take 10 minutes each. Do this for two weeks and you’ll see a major difference in the way your body moves with confidence and ease.
This is going to be a very simple series comprised of three movements we will do daily to strengthen our core.

Day 1 – Core Planks and Table Top
- Forearm Plank : 3 sets x60
- If you’re a beginner, start on your knees.
- The goal is to see if we can we hold this position while breathing properly for the duration of one minute.
- If you need to shorten the duration, that’s ok.
- Hands facin g down, tuck the hips under. Round the back, pushing toward the floor
- Think about one straight line from head to heels.
- Staggered Side Plank : 3 sets x 30sec/side
- To odify, start on your knees
- Make sure there is a straight line from your shoulder to your elbow and your elbow to the wrist
- Push away from the floor with your forearm
- Find your bottom glute and adductor. This exercise should work your whole body!
- Reverse Table Top : 3 sets 60 sec
- Grab a yoga block and squeeze it between your knees
- Tuck your hips under and find stability
- To modify, bring your fingers facing outward

Day 2
- Downdog : 3 sets x 60 sec
- This strengthens our backs, core, hip mobility, ankle mobility, hamstring flexibility and all the things that are needed to strengthen your core.
- Start in a high plank position, push away from the floor with your palm, drive your heels toward the ground.
- Hold for 60 seconds.
- Bear Crawl ISO Hold : 3 sets x 60 sec
- Grab a yoga block and put it between your legs
- Find a straight line from the shoulder to the wrist and from the hip to the knee
- Take an inhale, tuck your hips under until you find your core and lift the knees, pushing away from the floor with the heels of the palms
- Hold for 60 seconds.
- Hip Bridge Hold : 3 sets x 60 sec
- Squeeze the yoga block between your legs
- Tuck the hips under and lift to a bridge, lengthening the quads and hip flexors
- Find glutes by feeling the heels of your feet
- Dont overextend the diaphragm
- Hold for 60 seconds.

Day 3
- Wall Alternating Bug : 3 sets 8 reps
- Get very close to the wall and imagine doing a reverse plank.
- Bring the legs up and tuck the hips under (finding your core) as you press away from the wall
- Reach the heels toward the floor, alternating legs.
- If it’s too easy, extend the legs all the way.
- Do 8 repetitions
- Modified Plank with Hip Extension : 3 sets 8 reps
- Start in a modified forearm plank position
- Tuck the hips under and push away from the floor with the forearms
- Keep your core strong and lift your leg by about an inch
- You’ll feel tons of core and obliques here
- Take your time, don’t life your leg too high.
- Hip Bridge March : 3 sets 8 reps
- Form a hip bridge, bring your rib cage down and start to march.
- Dont lose your position of the core. Keep the core muscles engaged that we’ve been targeting.
Day 4
- High Plank : 3 sets 60 sec
- If you have mobility restrictions on your wrists, use some yoga blocks, which will ease some of the weight on your wrists.
- Straight line from shoulder to wrist. One straight line from the top fo your head to your heels.
- Straighten up, curl the hips under, push away from the floor with the heels of the palms.
- Hold for 60 seconds.
- Dolphin Hold : 3 sets 60 seconds
- Take the position of a forearm plank.
- Straighten the back of the legs and push away from the floor with your forearms.
- Hold for 60 seconds.
- High Side Plank : 3 sets 30 sec/side
- To modify, bend your knees.
- Put all your weight on your shoulder. Find a straight line from your shoulder to the wrist.
- Find bottom glute with your bottom leg and find adductor.
- Hold for 30 seconds on each side.
Day 5
- Plank to Down Dog : 3 sets 10 reps
- Find a high plank position, push away from the floor and find down dog.
- Hold down dog, then come back down to plank.
- Do this for 10 reps.
- Side Plank Pulse : 3 sets 10 reps
- Find a side plank, stagger the feet and pulse for 10 reps.
- Switch sides and do 10 more reps.
- Reverse Plank : 3 sets 30-60 sec
- This exercise will work the entire posterior chain.
- For beginners, hold your fingers and hands at a 45 degree angle. For more of a challenge, face your fingers and hands directly toward your booty.
- Initiate the lift from your heels.
- Stay strong, tighten the glutes, squeeze your legs together, and hold.
That concludes the 10 minute Daily Core exercises. Try to complete this flow for one week straight, then complete it the next week and add a set. I hope you enjoyed this chill circuit as much as I did!
This is a simple routine, but to find my full programs, visit TRU.Training and as always if you’re looking for clean, tested, and effective natural products to make your journey easier and more effective then check out my company TRU Supplements at GetTRUSupps.com .