Hey , welcome to THE

MA Warrior Challenge 2023

This challenge is designed to help you achieve your fitness goals, elevate your mindset, and connect with a supportive community of like-minded women who are all in this together.

Challenge Progress

Access Your Bonuses

Join Us May 1 - June 26

Take Your Before Photo Before May 5 to be Eligible to WIN the Grand Prize!

Celebrating progress along the way is a big part of what we do here in the MA Warrior Community.

Transitioning to a healthy lifestyle takes determination, and even the subtle changes along the way are worth celebrating. When you look at yourself in the mirror every day, many times you miss the small changes that are happening (that will add up to big results!).

Progress photos help to encourage you along the way!

I would like for you to take a starting progress photo and save it to submit with your after photo at the end of the challenge using the link below. I When you submit your photos, please submit each angle as a side by side collage, like the examples on the left. Feel free to also post your progress along the way in the community groups!

Challenge Overview

Find all of your nutrition guides and links to all the workouts in one place!

Printable Mindfulness Journal

Meal Plans

Elevate 1 Challenge Workouts

Program Content

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MA Challenge Bundle

The MA Bundle is specifically designed by Massy Arias, handpicked items to best assist those enrolled in her MA fitness programs.

This bundle is the perfect combination for:

Frequently Asked Questions

We will start the Elevate 1 Challenge as a community on May 1, 2023. This is an 8-week challenge. We typically give about a week for people to turn in their progress photos at the end, so that anyone who joins within the first week of the challenge can still compete.

Congratulations! You’ve made an amazing decision to transform your health. You may be nervous that you don’t have what it takes to follow through with this, but I want to encourage you that you do! All you need to do is show up every day and put one foot in front of the other. This program is laid out in an easy-to-follow format.

Focus on building habits during these 8-weeks and create realistic expectations. You aren’t going to dramatically change in one week, but by using the method that I have taught for 10+ years, you will build habits that bring change bit by bit. Doing it this way will allow you to keep your results long-term because your habits direct your life!

So, focus on these areas: consistency in movement, meals, hydration, and sleep. That’s it! Show up for yourself every day and you are going to be absolutely amazed at what happens.

Absolutely! Your meal plan includes a healthy swap list that you can use to add variety or to switch out something that’s not your preference. Swap out the comparative amount macro-wise and you will be good to go!

In your follow-along video, movement regressions will be given, but if you need further assistance, you may view the Exercise Library or ask in the Elevate 1 Group Chat.

If you miss a workout, pick right back up where you left off. Don’t skip ahead in your program because the workouts are progressive. 

Though not necessary, this is up to you and it depends on your fitness level. Guage how you’re feeling at the end of the first workout and don’t push yourself to the point of complete exhaustion or you could risk injury.

No, you do not need supplements. However, they can enhance your results, provided you are following the whole foods meal plan. My company, Tru Supplements, is dedicated to bringing you some of the highest-quality supplements out there that pair well with the MA lifestyle. View the suggested Elevate Bundle Here.

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