Repeat moves in superset fashion 3 times before moving on to next circuit.
Circuit 1
RDLs Dynamic / ISO | 8 Reps / 10 Sec |
Band Retro Walk | 8 Reps Each |
Wall Leg Lowers | 8 Reps Each |
60 Sec Rest • Repeat 3X Before Moving On To Next Circuit
Circuit 2
Single Leg Hip Bridge w/ Leg Drive | 10 Reps Each |
All Four Band Single Leg Hip Extension | 10 Reps Each |
Sidelying Band Hip Abduction Dynamic / ISO | 10 Reps / 10 Sec |
60 Sec Rest • Repeat 3X Before Moving On To Next Circuit
Circuit 3
Supine Single Leg Hip Bridge | 12 Reps Each |
Single Leg Hip Thrust | 30 Sec |
Wall Alternating Leg Lowers | 8 Reps Each |
60 Sec Rest • Repeat 3X Before Ending Workout